Full Time /Part Time Job OR Freelance Work
Are you looking for an interesting career in Architectural Visualisation but not sure how and where to start from? Following are the few points you should know that will help you as a time saving key!
Need of a faster and powerful computer. Because 3d Rendering is very time consuming and intense process in terms of power used by computer, high end processors (i7 and Xeon can be a good choice) and spend some money on good graphics card with maximum amount of RAM you can afford. Also 64-bit OS is recommended.
Then go for the most common software used amongst 3d visualisation professionals is 3ds max. For rendering tasks 3ds max comes with a built in rendering engine called Mental Ray, but the most popular choice within the architectural visualisation industry is V-ray, which comes as a Third party plugin by Chaos Group.
To draft and plan you drawingsyou may use AutoCad, ArchiCad and many others. Develop your 3d environment in AutoCAD, Revit, Sketch-Up, 3ds Max etc. based on your need and pipeline requirement. Choose the render engine of your choice Mental Ray, V-Ray, I-Ray, Arnold etc. and for final compositing and color correction process, professionals also use some of the most common tools like Photoshop, After Effects etc.
Once all your set up is ready for work,its time to start learning tools & techniques in software. Now the role of institutions, instructors and tutorials comes into play. AAFT School of Animation is one of best institute in Delhi/NCR offering Graduation, Post Graduation, Diploma and Short Term programmes aligned with the Architectural Visualisation Industry Oriented curriculum with practical based delivery model to train their students which helps them job ready with professional skills.
And the core key to proficiency is just practice, practice and more practice! Just keep exploring and experimenting and testing until you find the perfect solution for the project you are working on.